In order to support the use of digital technologies within the classroom we strongly encourage the purchase of a Chromebook, (this Chromebook can also be used for your child’s initial years at college). We acknowledge that the purchase of a Chromebook may place a financial burden on some whānau. If this is the case we encourage you to speak with WINZ as there are programmes available to support whānau with stationery expenses. Good Loans is a programme designed to provide support to whānau purchasing school devices, and is delivered by the Salvation Army, Aviva, Family Works and Good Shepherd.
We have also partnered with Noel Leeming who have set up a BYOD Landing Page for Nelson Intermediate on their website. The BYOD Landing Page provides options for devices that the school recommends (Chromebooks). Once whānau create a membership any special BYOD pricing available on devices will automatically load when you’re logged in.
You can view the BYOD Landing Page by clicking on the following link: https://tinyurl.com/nelsonintermediateBYOD
You will notice that prices vary significantly between devices. It is important to note that the more expensive devices will provide no significant performance benefits for students at Nelson Intermediate. As a bit of a guide we can tell you that the most recent classroom devices that the school has purchased for use is the Acer 511 device.
For students whose whānau have been unable to purchase a Chromebook, we will continue to have a supply of devices for students to use in the classroom. While we recommend a Chromebook as a learning device, we will also be able to support students who have a laptop or Macbook. Please note that cell phones, iPads and tablets are not to be used as part of our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programme.
The BYOD form must be completed and handed to your child’s Kaiako prior to them connecting the device to the network. Hard copies of this form are also available from the office
Registration Times for BYOD
At the start of the school year, during the second week of school we connect those students who have bought BYOD devices to our network.
Please note the following when supporting your child to bring their device to school:
For Chromebooks use a parent Gmail address, or create a personal Gmail account for your child. Although this account won’t be used at school it is important to have as at the end of your child’s time at Nelson Intermediate, their school email will be closed down. If you set the device up with your child’s school email address, when the school accounts are deleted you will no longer be able to use the device if that was the first email address you used to sign into the computer. Once you have it set up the student will be able to add their school email address when the accounts are available at the start of the school year.
Ensure that devices are fully charged and taken out of all packaging. Do not bring unopened, unboxed devices in, that have not been set up. The devices need Wi-Fi to be set up. Connect the device to your home network before sending it in to school. This will enable speedy connection at NIS.
Clearly label your child’s device with their name.
Ensure that there are no shortcuts or access to social media platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Discord, Snapchat etc. These are blocked on the school network and can be a distraction for the students if they spend a lot of time on them.
Students should travel to and from school with their device and charge it at home.