A to Z


If your child is unable to attend school for any reason, please contact the school office before 9.00 am that day on the absence number 027 758 3558 or use the @School App to complete the absentee notification.


If your child is injured at school, staff will take any appropriate first aid measures. We will notify you immediately if your child has fallen from a height, has been hit on the head, or has a serious injury.

Bell Times

The school day is structured as follows:
School Starts - 8.45 am
Interval - 10.40 to 11 am
Lunchtime - 12.40 to 1.25 pm
Finish Time - 2.45 pm


The Ministry of Education contracts Nelson Coachlines to operate four bus routes to and from Nelson Intermediate School. To qualify for bus transport ākonga must live at least 3.2km from Nelson Intermediate. Bus routes are detailed at the bottom of this page.

Further information can be found here, just Insert the route number into the top right corner of the web page.

Before ākonga can catch the school buses they must first read and complete the Bus Rules and Expectations Form. The form can be completed online via the button below. Alternatively, a paper copy can be collected from the school office.

Please note:
- First pick up for the Hira Bus (Hira NPD) is early, 7.40am. NIS departure is slightly later, 3.10pm.
- Tui-Glen Bus students need to take the Hira Bus from NIS at 3.10pm, and swap at Girls College to the Tui Glen Bus at 3.20pm.

Calendar Dates

The full school calendar of events can be found here.


An open door policy exists at our school. If you have any concerns relating to school, we encourage you to talk to us about them. Please feel free to approach the class teacher or staff member first. An appointment should be requested via email, with a basic outline of the concern or issue.


We communicate to our parent community on a regular basis. We do this using email and the @School App. The @School App can be downloaded from a link sent to you by your child’s teacher. Ask your child’s teacher or the office for more information.


We welcome new enrolments. Check out more information here.


This is available in all classrooms via a managed network. Students sign a Digital Citizenship Agreement to access the school devices and network. All activity on our school network is monitored and our emails filtered by N4L filtering. 


Ākonga are encouraged to take library books home on a regular basis and can borrow up to 5 books at a time.

Please do not attempt to mend any damaged books, just return them and the mending team will tackle them.

There are no fines for overdue books but we do ask you to return them weekly during class library times. At the end of each term overdue books must be returned/renewed. If these cannot be found a replacement fee/invoice will be issued for missing books early the following term.

Lost Property

Ākonga are encouraged to take responsibility for their own property – particularly clothing. Clothes such as jackets, hoodies, hats, etc. should be labelled with the child’s name. Lost property can be picked up from the basket behind the office.


Our school newsletter comes out twice a term. They are emailed home and sent via @School App. These are also available on the school website: https://www.nelsonintermediate.school.nz/school-news-2

Office Hours

The office is staffed from 8.15am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. The school answer phone is checked by staff regularly.

Open Afternoons

Open afternoons for prospective students are held in Term 3. Please see the calendar for upcoming dates.

Individual appointments can be made with members of the school senior management team, via the office. Please email admin@nelsonintermediate.school.nz or call 03 548 9572


Ideally we would prefer to receive payments online. Any cash payment needs to be given to a staff member at the school office.
Nelson Intermediate School Board of Trustees

If you are making online payments please ensure the following:
- Particulars states your child’s name
- Reference states what the payment is for

If you would like further information regarding payments please contact Tracy, accounts@nelsonintermediate.school.nz

Reporting to Parents

In Term 1 and 3 we have Whānau Conferences which are student led.  Written reports are sent out in Term 2 and 4.

Stationery Requirements

The below is what is required for both year 7 & 8 ākonga. These items can be purchased as a pack at the start of each year from the school office for $32, or you are welcome to source individually.

Stationery Items
2x 1E8 Warwick Exercise Book
4x 1B8 Warwick Exercise Book Unpunched (72 pages)
2x Warwick 2 - My Maths Book (Alternating)
1x Scrap Book The Big Unruled
4x Blue Ballpoint Pen
8x HB Pencil
1x Pack of 12 Colouring Pencils
1x Pencil Sharpener
1x Scissors 210 mm
2x Eraser
2x Ruler Plastic 30cm Clear
2x Adhesive Glue Stick 40g
1x Protractor Taurus 180 Degrees 10cm wide
1x Box Facial Tissues

1x Earphones - purchased separately from stationery pack
1x Chromebook - purchased separately from stationery pack

Chromebook - In order to support the use of digital technologies within the classroom we strongly encourage the purchase of a Chromebook, (this Chromebook can also be used for your student’s initial years at college). We acknowledge that the purchase of a Chromebook may place a financial burden on some whānau. If this is the case we encourage you to speak with WINZ as there are programmes available to support whānau with stationery expenses. For students whose whānau have been unable to purchase a Chromebook we will continue to have a supply of devices for students to use in the classroom.

BYOD/Bring Your Own Device - Students who are able to bring a Chromebook to school for learning purposes, or another learning device such as a laptop, will need to have this registered with the school. Forms are available from the school office and once completed the student’s teacher will added to the Student WiFi network. Devices are the responsibility of the student and the school takes no responsibility for the breakage, or loss of a device.  


The swimming programme usually runs for the last 6 weeks of Term 4 and the first 6 weeks of Term 1. Swimming is compulsory unless a note is sent from a parent/caregiver.

Term Dates

These can be found in the Calendar along with other important event dates.


The Nelson Intermediate School uniform is available to purchase from the school office during term time or on specified days in the lead in to the new school year.


Polo shirt $45 each

Pull over hoodie $65 each

Shorts $35 each

Track pants $45 each

A plain black or navy puffer jacket or raincoat is allowed as an additional layer.

Hats are compulsory in Terms 1 and 4. You can wear a hat of your choice, (we encourage it to be wide brimmed) but it must not advertise alcohol, drugs or lewd inappropriate language.

Ākonga are expected to wear sport or school shoes that cover their toes (no Crocks). Socks and shoes can be of any colour.

No other uniform or clothing is to be worn at school.

If you have any questions please contact the office.

Bus Routes

D100416 Central Bus (The Brook)

Bus goes to Paremata Street, Brooklands Road, Tory Street, Central School and NIS.
8.25am pick up Paremata Street
2.45pm leaving NIS

D100435 Central Bus (Founders Park)

Bus goes to Founders Park, Milton Street Chalet, Central School and NIS.
8.20am pick up Founders Park
2.45pm leaving NIS

D100415 Atawhai Bus

Bus goes to Clifton Terrace School, Marybank Road, St Peter's Church, Dodson Valley 4 Square and NIS.
8.10am pick up Clifton Terrace School
2.45pm leaving NIS

D100410 Hira bus

Bus goes to Hira NPD, Rayners Road Intersection, Hillwood Drive Intersection, and NIS.
7.40am pick up Hira NPD
3.10pm leaving NIS


Bus goes to 34 Seafield Terrace, Glen Road, Garindale, Todd Bush Road and NIS.
8.10am pick up 34 Seafield Terrace
3.10pm leaving NIS on Hira Bus, swapping at Girls College to Tui-Glen Bus 3.20pm

Policies & Board of Trustees


All our school policies and procedures are now hosted on an online web service.
You can access them at www.schooldocs.co.nz

  • Community user name: nelsonintermediate

  • Community password: tipahi

Copyright: Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd.
It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.


Our Board Members

To contact the board please email - chairperson@nelsonintermediate.school.nz

Dave Schaper - Presiding

I have joined the Nelson Intermediate School board in 2021 and have previously been on the board of Hampden Street School. I am motivated to see all our pupils, family and staff enjoy their time at NIS, engaged as part of their pathway and building the skills to succeed in their education. We moved to Nelson in 2009 and have three children, the eldest is now a pupil at NIS. Outside of the school I am an Investment Adviser and Manager at Forsyth Barr.

Diane Webb

Ko Diane Webb tōku ingoa.

It is a privilege to be the tumuaki at Nelson Intermediate and work with your tamariki. Prior to my principalship, I was the Deputy Principal at Hampden Street School. We have a daughter who completed her education within the Kāhui Ako and is now a trained midwife.

Liz Clark

Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Liz Clark tōku ingoa. 
Ko Ingarangi te whakapaparanga mai engari Otautahi te whenua tupu.
Ko Omaio Whakatū te kāinga.

I consider it a privileged to serve on the board of Nelson Intermediate and am delighted to offer my support and skills. I have been involved in school governance for over 20 years being presiding member on both primary and secondary boards in the Top of the South, Te Waipounamu. I currently serve on the Auckland Point School Board also.

I am an NZSTA professional development provider supporting all aspects of governance for New Zealand school boards. Presently I am chairperson of the NZSTA Marlborough Nelson West Coast Regional Executive.  My working experience involves 13 years as Constable in the NZ Police force, and then 23 years in the financial services sector, establishing my own company specialising in strategic planning and risk management in small to medium sized businesses throughout New Zealand.

 Education is a gift.

Luke Acland

Maddie Kenworthy-Gough

Brooke Langford

Loui Harvey

Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Loui Harvey tōku ingoa.
I whānau mai au i whakatū.
He Kaiako ahau ki te kura tūwaenga o whakatū.

I am honoured to be the staff rep for Nelson Intermediate School and am excited to learn from this fantastic team. I am passionate about the direction which our school is heading and look forward to adding value where I can.

Outside of school I spend most of my time riding my mountain bike and exploring the outdoors.



0.5 Fixed Term Māori Medium Kaiako

- Applications close Wednesday 26th March 2025, 5pm



Kāhui Ako ki Whakatū


Kāhui Ako ki Whakatū is made up of nine primary schools, one intermediate school, two secondary schools, eight kindergartens and nine ECE centres. Included within our kura are 3 Māori medium settings and a kura kaupapa.

​​ Our tamariki and rangatahi come mostly from the Nelson City region.